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Notre Dame Fire Reactions from the crowd that night - ABC News Radio, various affiliates

Recorded a short impressions segment gathering testimonials from people who had gathered to watch the Notre Dame fire on April 15, 2019 for ABC News Radio.

Interactive Webpage/Story Package: Chasing Cobalt in Congo DRC

This was produced for a class, not crafted for a media outlet. An interactive story, told with video, maps, data and photography about cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Made using ESRI StoryMap and GIS software. 

Interactive Timeline Graphic: Semester Riddled With Hate Markings Ends With Two More Swastikas Found In Library - The Mac Weekly

An interactive Timeline JS graphic takes readers through Macalester College's semester-long struggle with swastika writings found on campus. 

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Despite Gov. Cuomo’s pledge of support, legality of delivery workers’ e-bikes remains unclear - Columbia Journalism School Master’s Project

This was produced for a class, not crafted for a media outlet. March 13, 2020 — E-bikes like the one Mohamadou rides are the preferred mode of transportation for the city’s estimated 50,000 food delivery workers (NYC Department of Transportation, 2012). And for the last few years, they have been on the center stage of a legal and political battle for legality.

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The Mac Weekly website redesign

Organized and helped the Web Editor with The Mac Weekly's website redesign and relaunch.